Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

Question for story telling

1. What’s the moral value of the text above?
A. We have to be honest
B. Lie is the best way to have fun
C. Don’t kill people
D. Love everybody
E. Love your culture

2. What’s the boy look after?
A. A flock of cows
B. A flock of sheep
C. A dog
D. A baby
E. A cat

3. Who was tricked by the boy?
A. Child
B. His son
C. Villagers
D. His mom
E. His parents

4. Why the villagers didn’t help the boy?
A. He is handsome
B. He is a “Liar”
C. He is honest
D. He is a hardworker
E. He is a child

5. What is the end of the story?
A. The villagers could see the wolf running away and many dead sheep lying on the grass.
B. The boy became superhero
C. Superman came to the village
D. The boy died
E. The village was burnt

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